1 无法push

A git directory for ‘public’ is found locally with remote(s): origin https://github.com/richard-chen93/.........git If you want to reuse this local git directory instead of cloning again from https://github.com/richard-chen93/......git use the ‘–force’ option. If the local git directory is not the correct repo or you are unsure what this means choose another name with the ‘–name’ option.

删除.git\modules 的 public

2 git push时总让输入密码

git push的时候每次都要输入用户名和密码的问题解决 换了个ssh key,发现每次git push origin master的时候都要输入用户名和密码 原因是在添加远程库的时候使用了https的方式。。所以每次都要用https的方式push到远程库 查看使用的传输协议: git remote -v

git remote rm origin git remote add origin git@github.com:username/repository.git git push -u origin master

git remote -v


git push -u origin master error: src refspec master does not match any error: failed to push some refs to ‘github.com:richard-chen93/hugo.git’

reset –hard:重置stage区和工作目录: reset –hard 会在重置 HEAD 和branch的同时,重置stage区和工作目录里的内容。当你在 reset 后面加了 –hard 参数时,你的stage区和工作目录里的内容会被完全重置为和HEAD的新位置相同的内容。换句话说,就是你的没有commit的修改会被全部擦掉。

例如你在上次 commit 之后又对文件做了一些改动:把修改后的ganmes.txt文件add到stage区,修改后的shopping list.txt保留在工作目录

05 git submodule add error: does not have a commit checked out

1、新建的仓库,要至少提交一次更改(比如直接在github web页面随便添加一个任何文件,然后点提交。) 2、删除public文件夹。

06 fatal: You are not currently on a branch. To push the history leading to the current (detached HEAD) state now, use git push origin HEAD:

运行命令(在blog目录 和public目录下都执行此操作) git checkout main 即可解决



Auto-merging search/index.json
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in search/index.json
Auto-merging post/index.html
Auto-merging index.html
Auto-merging archives/index.html
Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.


git add search/index.json
git commit -s
git push